-Ongoing-6GMECML/AIRobotsRRMTestbedRemote Experience Center for Joint Research in Robotics and Mobile Communications
Distributed Remote Experience Center integrating robotics, mobile comunications, and edge computig towards joint opent platform.
Distributed Remote Experience Center integrating robotics, mobile comunications, and edge computig towards joint opent platform.
European project (CHIST-ERA Call 2022) on AI-enabled MUltimodal SEmantic COMmunications and COMputing towards 6G (MUSE-COM<sup>2</sup>)
Joint allocation of computing and radio resources based on blockchain for secure distributed processing of the complex applications for autonomous driving.
Machine learning for mobile network optimization and for image processing
Exploitation of machine learning for optimization of mobile networks
Dynamic split of scheduling between base-band unit and remote radio heads
Introducing concept of Mobile Edge Computing via distributed computing capabilities collocated with base stations of mobile networks with joint management of communication and computation.