Testing SW defined 5G in Industry
5G6GArchitectureRobotsTestbedRemote Control of Robot in Inter-connected 5G Testbeds in Prague and Munich
Remote haptic control of robot in Munich (TUM) from Prague (CTU, FEE) via 5G
-Ongoing-5G6GMECML/AITestbedVehicularPredictive allocation of edge computing resources for autonomous driving
Joint allocation of computing and radio resources based on blockchain for secure distributed processing of the complex applications for autonomous driving.
Interconnection of 5G+ tesbeds in Munich (TU Munich) and in Prague (6Gmobile research lab@CTU in Prague)
5GD2DVehicularPrecise positioning for autonomous train operation with secure communications on new 5G+ network standards
Positioning and communication of autonomous trains via 5G/5G+
5G6GArchitectureD2DMECML/AIRRMCooperation with the International Research Centre in Area of Communication Systems
Exploitation of machine learning for optimization of mobile networks
5G6GArchitectureC-RANMECMobile Edge Computing and Functional Splitting for Scheduling of Radio Resources
Dynamic split of scheduling between base-band unit and remote radio heads
Game theoretic analysis for the cognitive spectrum allocation and radio resource management
5GRRMSmall cellsNew methods for capacity improvement of heterogeneous wireless networks based on hybrid cognitive approach and small cells
Radio resource management for networks combining cognitive radio and small cells
5GArchitectureMECMobilityRRMSmall cellsTROPIC – Distributed computing, storage and radio resource allocation over cooperative femtocells
Introducing concept of Mobile Edge Computing via distributed computing capabilities collocated with base stations of mobile networks with joint management of communication and computation.