6GD2DML/AIMobilityRRMCombined Radio Frequency and Visible Light Bands for Device-to-Device communication

D2D communication combining conventional RF bands and VLC

The main aim of the project is to merge concepts of device-to-device (D2D) communication and visible light communication (VLC). The merging of D2D communication and VLC enables considerable increase in capacity of future mobile networks since VLC is capable of providing superior data rates, in comparison to conventional radio frequency communications. Furthermore, the proposed concept allows to save overloaded radio frequency spectrum. As the idea of combination of D2D and VLC is new and has not been tackled by researchers yet, we will have to address several key fundamental challenges to fully exploit synergy effects gained by the combination of D2D and VLC.

Device-to-device, Visible Light Communication, Radio Frequency, Communication Control

Major results and publications

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    Reuse of Multiple Channels by Multiple D2D Pairs in Dedicated Mode: Game Theoretic Approach
    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, volume 20, no. 7, .

    [BibTex] [pdf] [doi]
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    Deep Learning for Selection between RF and VLC Bands in Device-to-Device Communication
    IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 9, no. 10, .

    [BibTex] [pdf] [doi]
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    Mobility Management for D2D Communication Combining Radio Frequency and Visible Light Communications Bands
    Wireless Networks, volume 26, .

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    Sequential Bargaining Game for Reuse of Radio Resources in D2D Communication in Dedicated Modes
    IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC-Spring 2020), .

    [BibTex] [pdf]
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    Machine Learning for Power Control in D2D Communication based on Cellular Channel Gains
    IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom 2019) workshop on Machine Learning for Wireless Communications, .

    [BibTex] [pdf]
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    Resource Allocation for D2D Communication with Multiple D2D Pairs Reusing Multiple Channels
    IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 8, no. 4, .

  • , , , and
    Efficient Exploitation of Radio Frequency and Visible Light Communication Bands for D2D in Mobile Networks
    IEEE Access, volume 7, .

    [BibTex] [pdf]
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    Selection between Radio Frequency and Visible Light Communication Bands for D2D
    IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC-Spring 2018) recent results, .

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    Combined shared and dedicated resource allocation for Device-to-Device Communication
    IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC-Spring 2018), .

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    Combination of Visible Light and Radio Frequency Bands for Device-to-Device Communication
    IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2017), workshop on Coexisting Radio and Optical Wireless Deployments, .


    01/2017 – 12/2019
    Project no.:
    Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
    ~240k EUR
    Pavel Mach
    Zdenek Becvar, Mehyar Najla, Toha Ardi Nugraha