The FP7 ROCKET Project: Wireless Access Technology for Homogeneous High Rate Coverage

by S. Simoens, P. Labbe, J. Vidal, R. Hoshyar, Augustin A. and others
Proceedings of 17th ICT Mobile Summit 2008 (S. Simoens, others, eds.), 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
  AUTHOR          = {Simoens, S. and Labbe, P. and Vidal, J. and Hoshyar, R. and Augustin A. and others},
  TITLE           = {The FP7 ROCKET Project: Wireless Access Technology for Homogeneous High
                    Rate Coverage},
  YEAR            = {2008},
  MONTH           = {Jun},
  PAGES           = {10},
  ADDRESS         = {Stockholm, Sweden},
  BOOKTITLE       = {Proceedings of 17th ICT Mobile Summit 2008},
  EDITOR          = {Simoens, S. and others},
  AFFILIATION     = {Chair of Communication Networks (ComNets), Faculty 6, RWTH Aachen University},
  ISBN            = {978-1-905824-08-3},
  KEYWORDS        = {4G, cooperative, cognitive, relaying, coordination, efficiency,
